Inglewood Home and School raises funds to support programs that enhance the educational experience of our students. These funds provide activities and equipment not furnished by the North Penn School District for the enrichment of the school program. The following are some examples of how the fundraising dollars earned during previous school years were spent:
- Assemblies
- Field trips
- Classroom supplies - including planners for grades 3-6
- Playground backstop
- Classroom easels
- New laminator for the teachers' workroom
- Olympic Day
- 1st Grade: RIF (Reading Is Fundamental)
- 5th Grade: Colonial Day
- 6th Grade: Activities and gift
- and more...
If you do not wish to participate in the various fundraisers that occur throughout the school year, but would still like to support H&S, you may make a one-time, tax-deductible donation instead. It has been determined that $40/child would be an adequate amount. This is by no means a mandatory request, but rather an alternative way to contribute to your child’s school in one simple step. You may send your donation to school with your child in an envelope marked Home & School Donation, Attn: Treasurer. Please make checks payable to INGLEWOOD HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. You will receive a receipt for your tax records. You may use this Fundraising Opt-Out Form to submit your donation.
An ongoing, convenient fundraiser that tastes great and is a one-size-fits-all kind of gift for any time of year! Each WAWA Shorti Hoagie coupon costs $4.00. You save at least $0.59 per Shorti, and Inglewood Home & School earns $1.00 for every coupon sold. You can order coupons at any time by completing an
order form and sending it to school with cash or check payable to Inglewood H&S. We will send the coupons home with your student. It's that simple!
Dining Out
A monthly event where Inglewood families can enjoy a great dinner with friends at a local restaurant. A portion of the night's sales (as much as 20%) will be donated to Inglewood Home & School. See the Dining Out page for specific dates and locations.
Inglewood Home & School has the opportunity to earn cash and merchandise from a variety of local and national companies, but we need your help to make it happen! These programs require very little effort on your part, but they can make a BIG difference to our school. Visit the Cash Back Programs page for a complete list of participating companies. Make your purchases count for Inglewood! Ask your family and friends to participate, as well!
H&S will continue a paired-down approach to fundraising with only two major fundraising events. Your participation in these events this fall will ensure that we won't need to add additional fundraisers in the spring. Thank you for your support!
- KidStuff Book Sales
- Inglewood Fun Run
Additional funds are raised through the following events:
- Book Fair, fall & spring
- Holiday Shop
- School Apparel Sales
- School Pictures
- Yearbook Sales